Under Mary’s watchful eyes, we faithfully strive to get to Jesus
What is a Sodalist?
Sodalist comes from the Latin word sodalis, which means a very close friend, associate, or companion. A Sodalist of Our Lady is a companion of the Mother of God. With Mary as our Mother, Christ becomes our brother and with renewed faith, we acknowledge God as our beloved Father. “To Jesus through Mary” is the Sodality’s theme. Sodalists are committed to leading souls to Christ by loving Christ and honoring His Blessed Mother.
The mission of the Sodality is to foster devotion, reverence, and love for The Most Blessed Mother, inspire a deep concern for others, develop a meaningful apostolate, and cooperate in church and community activities.
Sodalists are committed to spiritual development and works of mercy, supporting domestic and overseas missions. Sodalists are engaged in social action and welfare programs. They engage in social concerns and deal with matters of health, right-to-life, the needs of the poor, the elderly, and the dispossessed.
Sodalists support worthy causes through volunteer actions, financial contributions, and participation in programs with the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception including the Mass for Shut-ins, also the Society for the Propagation of Faith, the Little Sisters of the Poor, Mount Carmel House, McKenna House, , Catholic Relief Services, St. Ann’s Infant and Maternity Home, So Others Might Eat, Dorothy Day House, Carroll Manor, the Lt. Joseph P. Kennedy Institute, Newman Clubs, the National Conference of Catholic Women, the National Conference of Black Catholics, and Eucharistic Congresses. Recently they prepared breakfast bags for homeless persons helped by Catholic Charities. Sodalists are active in the Meals on Wheels, and foster home programs, and providing care, comfort, and compassion to the sick, the grieving, the infirm, and the elderly.

Spiritual Life of a Sodalist
Sodalists have an understanding and a deep appreciation for the role of prayer and study of sacred Scriptures. They appreciate the Sacred Liturgy through presentations focusing on the Sacraments and the Mass. They are encouraged to experience spiritual growth by supporting the Retreat Movement and participating in the annual Day of Recollection. They are acquainted with the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. This spirituality has at its center the life, the teachings, the death and resurrection of Jesus and invites people to come to know, love, and follow Jesus more wholeheartedly.
It teaches that while we live in a world of darkness and brokenness, God is passionately involved with all creation, working to bring healing and reconciliation, justice and hope, forgiveness and love to everyone. It teaches that God can be found at work in every situation, relationship, and experience of human life—in the daily stuff of working, raising children, caring for neighbors, seeking justice in civic life, protecting the earth, and building the human community, as well as in experiences of friendship, of solidarity in a common cause, in times of rejoicing and great happiness, times of sorrow and grieving, and times of loneliness and fear.
We Serve
Sodalists Are Servants and Ambassadors Too

Sodalists are ambassadors of social justice. They engage in ministries of spiritual growth and development, worship, generosity and devotion, leadership and vision. They are catechists, RCIA teachers, and retreat organizers. They are Mass Rosary Leaders, phone and email prayer network leaders. They support and participate in the Perpetual Adoration of the Eucharist.
They are members of the parish council, promoting financial support and stewardship to their church. They are fundraisers and hosts, assisting at special events like St. Gabriel’s Feast Day celebration, the launch of Mary’s Garden, and their Annual Breakfast. Sodalists are humble servants — sacristans, lectors, Eucharistic ministers, gift bearers, ushers and greeters at Mass. They care for the altar linens, the candle ministry, and the overall church environment. They are cantors and musicians, choir members. They are servers and welcome people at parish events. They help maintain and keep the church in its beautiful condition, they perform office work, answer phones, serve as receptionists, and office workers. In summary, they play a vital role in the life and spirit of the parish community.
The Sodality Sandwich Makers recently celebrated over 30 years of preparing and delivering sandwiches to Martha’s Table. That’s over 100,000 sandwiches given out feed to hungry children and homeless families over nearly three decades! They have prepared breakfast bags for the homeless and have fed the hungry and desolate through feeding programs. Sodalists enthusiastically continue to provide donations of baby clothes, diapers, bedding, and financial support to St. Ann’s Infant and Maternity home, a residential facility administered by the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, and are planning to expand their outreach to more volunteer and service opportunities during the year.
Apostolic Life Committee
Danita Coleman – Chair
Tecora Estes – Co-Chair
Care, Comfort, and Compassion
Barbara Givens – Chair
Ernesteen Johnson – Co-Chair
Joyce Washington – Co-Chair
Communications Committee
Jenifer Golson
Carrie Clark
Lenora Fuller-McCall
Correspondence Secretary
Kathleen T. Thomas
Executive Board Officers
Carrie Johnson Clark – Prefect
Bernadette White – Vice Prefect
Janiene Ausbrooks – Secretary
Jacqueline A. Barnes – Treasurer
Barbara B. Shaw – Moderator
Hospitality Committee
Deborah Hawkins Minor, Chair
Gwen Sutton, Co-Chair
Joan Butler – Chair
Spiritual Life
Lisa Williams – Chair
Vernice Johnson – Co-Chair
Ways and Means Committee
Demetria Simpson – Chair
Joan Johnson – Co-Chair
Please Pray
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal
O Virgin Mother.
In the depths of your heart, you pondered the life of the son you brought into the world. Give us your vision of Jesus and ask the Father to open our Hearts, that we may always see his presence
in Our Lives, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, bring us into the joy and peace of the kingdom, where Jesus is Lord Forever and ever,